BabyRiki is an entertaining and educational 5-min animation series for toddlers and pre-schoolers now airing on the free to air ITV pre-school block. Combining 3D CGI and live video, the series is conceived to develop the foundation of key skills such as communication, collaboration, creativity and disciplined thinking.
The series brings to life five young heroes introducing an age-appropriate learning concept, illustrated with a song to help young children absorb and process through kinesthetic learning. BabyRiki is visually appealing to young children and their parents.
The series promotes playful, positive and peaceful interactions with others. It offers a safe environment for children to make sense of the world by having experiences that allow them to explore, wonder and discover.
Each BabyRiki episode explores a concept and the words associated with it, through a short story and a memorable song.
The story-plots are character-led and based on familiar contexts for pre-schoolers.
The series features age-appropriate social-emotional themes, selected by child psychologists and educators.
If you would like to join us on a very special journey and want to know more about BabyRiki then please click here